आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Maha Mandi 2014 Poster Making

Assignment:  Maha Mandi 2014 Poster Making

Dear IM 21 Sec B Students, 

You all know that Maha Mandi is planned to be conducted on 9 Aug 2014 by MIG group. In this context, you are given a academic assignment to you  to make  a Digital Maha Mandi 2014 Poster . We have a plan to use your vernacular Maha Mandi language posters to campaign Maha Mandi program in many engineering colleges all across the states in the country. 

Assignment submission date : 

 June 30  2014 ..0600 hrs.

Guidelines : 
  • Poster must be in  any of the Indian language ( expecting to use your own mother tongue ). Please note that English. is the language you are NOT allowed to  use for this poster.
  • Poster must be in degital format.
  • Your poster must have the following  minimum things
           1. Name of the Program details: Maha Mandi 2014, Aug 9, 2014,
           2. Institute Name : NITIE name, NITIE 50 yrs.Golden Jublee Logo, 
           3. Punch Line for Maha Mandi: You need to come out with good punch lines in your own mother tongue. Here given some Hindhi and Elglish  punch line examples.
           Soacho - Beacho - Sekho /  Aaj khi karcha aaj kha padhae sae, aaj hee kamana  /
           Mandi is the   NAME  - Selling is the GAME, and  Learning is the AIM

  • Mandi products used for campaign: Simple products having Hihg learning possibility to understand curriculum related tough concepts for subjects viz - Mathematics, Physics, chemistry, Astronomy, Geography. You can use make use of  photos of the educational aids NITIE  mandi students have campaigned in earlier years.
  • Maha Mandi Logo can be made you in your own language.. 
  • Use all possible images, designs. Show your creativity in making the poster. 
  • Any other things you want to add .. It is left to you.. . 
  • Any questions on this assignment may be sent to.... Dr Mandi . 

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