आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 2 : Manid poster and Three monks film

Week 2: Mandi Poster and Three monks film

Mandi Poster: 

In this session Maha Mandi poster is discussed .. 

Three Monks Film:

See the film ' Three monks and no water '.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rolBiHfWokY

Objective to see the film is to understand, work out plans to overcome the employees related ANTI WORK BEHAVIOURS.. 

( Below give TWO questions relate to OB part ) 
  • 1....Is it employees work less than what they can work ?
  • 2....Why they work less than what they can ?  What are the reasons for behaving so unproductively ? What is the human sciences say on this ? How human theories explain this phenomena ? 
 ( Below give ONE  question relate to HRM part ) 
  • Final / ultimate question is 
  • HOW TO ADDRESS this issue, so that employees devote full potential of themselves in work context and turn out excellent results for the organizations.
  • What kind of HR policy need to put in so that employees work best ? 
Let us develop more  questions relating to OB and HR subject wise ..

OB questions - 


Employees  do not come  to work in time ?
Employees waste time in doing work ?
Employees work hard so as not to work hard ?

Write / develop  as many questions as you can imagine..

WHY ..?

Employees  do not come  to work in time ?
Employees waste time in doing work ?
Employees work hard so as not to work hard ?

Write / develop  as many questions as you can imagine..


Employees  to  come  to work in time ?
Employees waste not time in doing work ?
Employees do not try to avoid hard work ?

Write / develop  as many questions as you can imagine..


OB Questions.. 

 OB Area   IS IT.. TRUE..

Is it true that THREE MONKS worked less than what they can do ?
Is it true that IM 21 Sc B students group worked less than what they can do in Tower Building exercise

Is it true that IM 21 Sc B students working on MANDI POSTER work less than what they can do
Is it OB  & HR faculty @ NITIE work less than s/he can work while teaching the course to IM 21 Sec B class..?

OB Area    -  WHY
  THREE MONKS worked less than what they can do ?
 IM 21 Sc B students group worked less than what they can do in Tower Building exercise
 IM 21 Sc B students working on MANDI POSTER work less than what they can do
NITIE faculty  work less than they can work while teaching at NITIE ? 

  HRM Area -  HOW
 to make THREE MONKS work to  their  full potential ? 
to make IM 21 Sc B Tower building students group work to their full potential ? 
to make IM 21 Sc B students while working on MANDI POSTER work to their full potential
to make  NITIE faculty work less than s/he can work while teaching the course to IM 21 Sec B class..?

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