आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

S. M. A. R. T. Education @ NITIE Mumbai

S. M. A. R. T. Education @ NITIE Mumbai 

S M A R T goals for education can be planned and must be planned. It is the need of hour. NITIE does this through various programs .. Maha Mandi, Student Enterprises, Shanti Eva Jayate etc. 

2. Education and learning goals that we @ NITIE set are:

A graduate student must be economically self supportive and self reliant due to education and as part of curricular learning.  Such learning enhances and supports effective learning. On the contrary, education which does not make a student self reliant and makes him / her economically dependent on others for education surely RUINS the student. Such education turns the youth to be NAUKARS, GULAMEES.. Job Seekers, Dependents.  Such education cannot turn out MASTERS, and EMPLOYERS and JOB GIVERS, WEALTH CREATORS. 

3. Towards this, we set our S M A R T goals of MBA education at NITIE are: 

" MBA student will EARN ones daily expenses 
by applying ones daily business learning ".

4. SMART Goal of education -  on daily basis every student earning ones own daily expenses - is Attainable, Possible, Achievable, Relevant, Useful, Inspiring, Progressive, Challenging, Measurable, Specific, Time bound, Futuristic, Humane, Superlative, etc. etc. 

Is it NOT a student earning ones own expenses every day .. 

- help him to study better ! 
- think better ! 
- Useful to a student and his family !
- Do you think he / she will get spoiled just because he / she is earning daily expenses by applying ones education ! 

Please note that conventional education goals of HIGH GRADES  / MARKS are NOT Useful, inspiring, and Challenging. They are ruining the students. Students loose despite achieving the GOALS in the conventional education.

5. Our vision @ NITIE is that 3 crore graduate students in India will earn their daily expenses out of their education. It simply means that everyday hundreds of crores of VALUE is added to our economy due to the academic studies. 

Aaj ka karcha, Aaj ka padhai sae, Aaj hee kamana ! 

Socho ! , Becho ! ! , Seekho ! ! !

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