आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reforming Education : REVERSING educational system leads to DESIRABLE learning outcomes

 Dr Mandi says.....  

NATION  needs JOB CREATORS not JOB SEEKERS !  Our PM says.. this !
This is TRUTH !  YE SACH  HAI  !  
 We all agree on this  !
But our current education system is producing JOB SEEKERS very well !  Education system  is 100 % efficient ! It is well calibrated for this task !

This is TRUTH / YE SACH  HAI ! We are proud of it ! .. 

PM says, NATION  need JOB CREATORS not JOB SEEKERs !  Our PM says.. this ! 
Issue is, at present educational system is producing things which we dont NEED / we dont WANT ! 

This is also TRUTH / YE BHI  SACH  HAI !..


We are not proud of this ! We are ashamed for it ! 
 Not only we, many others are also ashamed of this.
Can same present educational system which  is producing JOB SEEKERS can also produce JOB CREATORS ? 
Is it ? Is it possible ! Should we create an alternate system ?
Is it possible to produce JOB SEEKERS out of the same educational system ? 
YES >> YES  >>>> MAY BE  >>>>
To produce JOB SEEKERS with the same system,  What needs to be done ?
What needs to be done with this system..   We gave a thought on this question. 

We have done it ! EUREKA !
We just  R E V E R S E D the education process.. 

La Behold ! ..Getting the desired results ! 

Students are studying a particular way.. Students are getting UNDESIRABLE results due to studies.

Students again studying particular way with lots of improvements and more efforts. ALAS.. Students are getting much more UNDESIRABLE results..

This is happening for millions of students, across the India,  for number of years consistently.. Every time academics try to improve the same system of  study  and  are expecting desirable results.  All these times students are loosers and they are getting same UNDESIRABLE results.

What are the UNDESIRABLE results ?

- No self confidence, Unemployable, Not able to  and  willing to start on their own, Abscence of dignity of labour, Incapable of understanding reality around .

What is the system of study ?

- Compete, compete, and compete, Pay fees, Attend classes, Follow  the teachers, and believe  textbooks, libraries,  Take notes, Mug up for exams, write exams, omit what is taught in class, and clear exams , Happy with academic scores..

E U R E K A ! !..    E U R E K A   !  !

so,  undesirable results due to  on going system of education throws out the following things..

1.  If one REVERSE the system of education,  there is high chance of getting  DESIRED results. 

It is logical... It is obvious..... Is it not ! .. Just reverse it.

What matters is 'What you D E S I  R  E.. 

What does not matter is ,,,,,,, whether to stick to the system of education !..

Where is the rule that we should stick to the existing system of education when it is giving consistent undesirable  results ! 

Any body can imagine this.. Simple common sense...


So, in nutshell,, agenda for education is like this..
Mechale said..                                               Dr Mandi says......

- ' Compete with your classmates  ' ..                            -  Collaborate with your classmates
- ' Attend Class regularly  ' ..                                         -  Attend Mandi
- ' Pay Fees for education   ' ..                                      -  Make earning out of education 
-  Follow teacher, text book, and experts..                    -  Follow the Naive people in mandi.. 
                                                                                      - Go by your experience... 
                                                                                      -  See and observe the reality..
- Spend and spend  for studies                                     - Earn that much  you spent for studies
- You will be made a  'SLAVE '..                                    -  You will be made a  MASTER..

- Socho.. and Seekho..                                                 - Socho.. Becho.. Seekho ..

- Think, Think, and Learn ..                                          - Think, Apply, and Learn ..

Maha Mandi is CASE of REVERSED system of present education .. and getting the DESIRED  results .
Jai ho Mandi.. Soacho.. Becho.. Seekho...

Aaj ka college fee, aaj ka padhai isthmal karke, aaj hee kamana !

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