आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maha Mandi @ NITIE : The Concept

Maha Mandi @ NITIE: The Concept 


  • Sar jukahke, Nahi seekanaaa..  ! ... Sar uthake... Seekhna.. !  
  • Aaj ka college fee, aaj ka padhai laghoo karke,aaj he kamana !


  • Prideful learning
  • Self reliant model of learning
  • Enterpreneurial Learning model
  • Gandhian model of learning - Nai Talim based
  • Excellent learning without waste - But value generation

  • Soacho ! Becho ! Seekho !
  • Curricular embedded pedagogy
  • Knowing - Doing - Learning - Earning - Becoming and Being !
  • Innovative in idea and implementation - Not disturbing the existing but at the same time transforming the learning completely ( 200 %  change  ! )

Innovation is.. :

  • Making learning highly purposeful, relevant purpose, challenging purpose, beneficial purpose etc.
  • Selection of intelligent toys 
  • Making it part of regular curriculum
Tactics :

  • Flag off function
  • Logo , Slogan, Song, dance
  • Expanding to cover other subjects,  other colleges, other cities
  • Posters, videos, Blogs
Media - On Line, Print, TV, 

  • Sharing Best Pedagogy to outside world
  • Reaching to many youth across the world 

Social Cause:

  • Helping  NGOs by campaigning the products NGO made
  • Contributing to NGOs financial muscle
  • Helping NGOs to establish their work and brand 

Industry Involvement  :

  • Industry captains presence works as concept validation
  • Sets NEW DIRECTIONS for learning 

Glamour :

  • Celebrities give needed thrust, colour, charm

Pedagogy :

  • Fun filled learning
  • Personalised learning
  • Real world learning
  • Student Centric Learning
  • Value Focused Learning 

Event Sponsorships :

  • Validation of the work
  • Self generated value based New learning model 
  • Work as Push factor
  • Help in expanding and scale up
  • Works as greater motivator
Impact :
  • Participation of students in Mandi is ' By choice ' 
  • Win - Win to  everybody :  Students - Industry - Academia - NGOs - Media - Govt. - Society at large including outsiders !.
Future course of action  :

  • How to scale it up .. to many colleges, to corores of students !
  • How to make Mandi part of Indian learning processes ! 
Jai Ho Mandi ..

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