आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Monday, July 7, 2014

Maha Mandi 2014 Multi Language Video making..

Maha Mandi 2014.. Video making 

Dear IN 21 Sec B students,

You will be making Mandi 2014 video .. in a group ( Max. 5 Members ).. In your own mother tongue. You have already seen the older version of Mandi video. I m expecting that you will add few more things to this video and RECREATE similar / better video in your own mother tongue.

Date for Video submission : 31  July  2014.. 

Few suggestions from my side on this assignment.

1. Your form language wise groups.. Dt..

2. Let there OVERALL script for the  video..  and share it with the groups.. So that all the other groups can take the help of overall  script  and make their own videos.  Dt..

3. Use the Mandi  poster you made ..

4. Avoid shooting new videos for Mandi 2014.. .. Unless you badly need them.  My feeling is that it takes time to shoot new videos. Try to make use of ALL the videos already that are existing.

5. I wish your group appear in the video without fail. Your group must speak the language in local language.. Script for the video must be in local language ( your mother tongue.)..

6. Use NITIE logo , NITIE pics, NITIE Mandi pics and many other resources.

7. I suggested what possible additions you can make to the existing video. Final call is yours.

8. You will be uploading your video on You Tube channel created for this.. Pass word will be share for uploading your language video..

Earlier Maha Mandi Videos:

What are the resources that are there to make Mandi video ?

1. You Tube resources:

2.  Maha Mandi Pics: Picasa Albums

3. Maha Mandi Posters - In multiple languages

4. Maha Mandi website..

New additions that can be made to Mandi Flash video...:

1. Year wise Pics  2004 onwards.. 2013..

2. Mandi Poster in multiple languages ..

3 Mandi -  Sales volumes that were sold.. Inventory distribution pics..

4 Mandi  - Number of students benefitted .. Some calculations...Last 10 Yrs. 30 Mandis are conducted.. @ 300 students participation in each of the mandi..  Total number of students participated are .. 9,000 students

5 Mandi - NITIE and  NGOs  work together to help the students learning .. Many NGOs..

6 Students speak on Maha Mandi experience.. Interviews...

7 Mandi - Corporate CEOs speak .. Video clips ..

8 Celebrities Speak.. Video clips ..

9 NITIE Allumni speak on Mandi experience..Video clips ..

10 Professors speak on Maha Mandi learning .. Already there on You tube video clips ..

11 Mandi Training videos ..How students are trained for various subjects .. Make them..

Mandi  Pledge - How students are imparted values and morals before getting in to Mandi.. Pics/ Video clips .

12 Mandi Process: Preparation - Launching - After Mandi Learing  Review

13 Mandi - Wheel of Learning .. Picture..

14 Salient features : It is not Selling .... It is learning by Earning

15  Mandi in other formats.. Shanti Mandi, Engineers Mandi,

 16 Mandi - Gandhian way of learning

17 Mandi and Entrepreneurship

18 Mandi - Media .. Print / On Line / Audio /

19 Mandi sponsors

20 Mandi Relevance to other Colleges

21 Is your college interested to have Mandi.. Contact::  Write to..

22 Mandi web resources = Mandi website ..

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