आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Thursday, July 3, 2014

3 Monks film for OB & HR learning

 OB & HR learning -  3 Monks film 

Some of the questions you need to think keeping the the film in the background . 


OB1  - Whether  First monks commitment to monastry is of desired level ?

OB2  - Why it was so ? 

HRM - Is there anything needed to improve the work behaviour of the first monk


OB 1   Facts about employees work behaviour

- Whether  the monks work behavior in monastery was  of desired level ?
 - Whether  the monks communicating each other in right way ?
 - Whether  the monks were motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were working together ?
- Whether  the monks were maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why the monks work behavior in monastery was  NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the monks are NOT communicating each other in right way ?
 - Why  the monks were NOT  motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT working together ?
- Whether  the monks were NOT maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
HRM  - Set of Policy and Practice related interventions to improve the situation

- How to make the monks work in a  desired way ?
 - How to make  the monks to communicate each other in right way ?
 - How to make  the monks to motivate to work ?
 - How to make the monks to work together ?
- How to make the monks to follows the  monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - How to make  the monks to be innovative and creative to solve their  work related problems ?


OB 1  Facts about work behaviour

- Whether  the monks work behavior in monastery was  of desired level ?
 - Whether  the monks communicating each other in right way ?
 - Whether  the monks were motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were working together ?
- Whether  the monks were maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour

- Why the monks work behavior in monastery was  NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the monks are NOT communicating each other in right way ?
 - Why  the monks were NOT  motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT working together ?
- Whether  the monks were NOT maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
HRM  - Set of Policy and Practice related interventions to improve the situation

- How to make the monks work in a  desired way ?
 - How to make  the monks to communicate each other in right way ?
 - How to make  the monks to motivate to work ?
 - How to make the monks to work together ?
- How to make the monks to follows the  monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - How to make  the monks to be innovative and creative to solve their  work related problems ?

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