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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

OB HR Course Outline IM 21 Sec B

NITIE Mumbai
Hr 01: OB HRM Session plan  IM 21 Sec B .. 17.6.14 to 16.03.14
Dr Mandi, nitieprasad@gmail.com, 09869464525

No. of Sessions.
Topics of Organisation Behaviour
Experiential Activities
Employee Personality and types  and Work behavior  – Work values, Work Attitudes, Locus of control, Work Ethic, Job Performance, Job satisfaction, Org. Commitment

Type A & B, MBTI, TAT
Tower Building Exercise
Perception- Perceptual Process, Stereotyping

Motivation- theories, its relevance for  organization behavior:
Article- Employee motivation a powerful new model
Three Monks Film
Interpersonal behavior and effectiveness,  FIRO- B, Team and Group dynamics, Types and group processes,  Team work and Team roles, Team working, Group decision- making, Cohesiveness
Case discussion on Group dynamics- Erik Peterson
Leadership theories, styles
Myna and Elephant story
Organisational Power and Authority, politics,
Conflict Handling Styles

Org. Culture- Hofstede Cultural dimensions

Organisational Change, Lewin’s Force-field analysis Role play- The Iceberg is melting

Topics of Human Resource Management

Introduction, Job description, HRP

Recruitment Selection

Maha Mandi
Performance Management System


Midterm exam

Final Project

Recommended Blog to refer : http://pomcourse2012.blogspot.in/p/blog-page.html

Recommended Reading for OB:
·         Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, Organisation Behaviour, 13th edition, PHI, 2009
·         S. L. McShane, M. A. Glinow and R. Sharma, Organization Behaviour, 3rd /4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
·         Udai Pareek, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press, 2003
·         Robin Fincham, Peter Rhodes, Principles of Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press New Delhi, 2006
·         John W. Newstorm, Keith Davis, Organizational Behavior – Human Behavior at Work, Tata McGraw – Hill, 2002

Recommended Reading for HR:
1.      Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
2.      Bohlander, Snell & Vohra, Managing Human Resources, 11th edition,South Western College Publishing.
3.      P. Jyothi, D. N. Venkatesh, Human Resource Management, Oxford University   Press
4.      Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balki, Robert L. Cardy, Managing Human     
5.      Decenzo & Robbins, Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
6.      Aswathappa K, Human Resource Management- text and cases, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Evaluation:


Final exam

Mid Term

Course Assignments


Quiz test

You tube videos


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