आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

OB & HR BLOG LIST for IM 21 Sec B

Blog list for IM 21 Sec B OB & HR course

1. Create and post a table having the following.

Roll no. Name of the student -  Each student Blog thread   - 5 Colums for adding in future.

2. Post Dos and Donts of posting student blogs.

3. Post one file .. How to post Mandi posters on a Open platform..

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