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Why not it should be done !

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tower Building and OB HR related Learning

 OB & HR learning -  TOWER BUILDING

Some of the questions you need to think keeping the TB experience in the background

I. Understanding of OB and HR Subjects

OB1  - Whether  employee and manager's performance  is of desired level ?

OB2  - Why it was so ? 

HRM - Is there anything needed to improve the work behaviour of these employees ?

Organizational Performance is being analyzed keeping  in view FOUR business situations as given below.  Students need to understand that in all these FOUR situations OB and HR will be quite different .

Situation I: In the beginning of the tower making

Situation II: Making of the tower as it reaches the mid height

Situation III: As the tower reaches much height and reaches towards best height

Situation IV : Achieving  the world class tower building

II.  INITIAL TOWER ( 0 - 15  cubes ) :

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
II.  MID HEIGHT TOWER  :  (.. 15 to 25cubes ) :

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
III.  HIGH  TOWER: (.. 25 cubes beyond  :   

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavior with the help of various personality theories )

HRM  -  What to do ..? 

- What and how to make the  worker to  work of desired level ?
 - What and how to make the manager to communicating to the worker the right way ?
 - What and how to  make the worker to get  motivated to work ?
 - What and how to make the worker to cooperating with the manager ?
- What and how to make the worker to  maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - What and how to make  the worker to innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- What and how to make  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - What and how to make  the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - What and how to make   the manager to get  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - What and how to make   the manager  to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- What and how to make   the manager to enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - What and how to make   the manager  to  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to arrive at what kind of policies and practices need to be put in place ! )

  Beyond 30 cubes tower...

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