आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivation and Maha Mandi @ NITIE

Motivation and Maha Mandi

It is surprising to see how come Maha Mandi prog. motivates so many students so much ? Why they put in so much effort ? Why students enjoy when they participate in Mandi ? There are reasons for this The story behind students getting so much motivated is a relevant topic of  learning in OB.. called  MOTIVATION. Students can understand the concept of motivation through analysing the Maha Mandi program on  Motivation lines...

MOTIVATION is to make employees to MOVED  for their organization work, organizational goals, and become ideal employees with better performance. It is to work better and more . 

Organisations try to achieve this motivation by MARSHALLING FOUR things. They are

1. Employees tasks and jobs that they  carry out in the company as part of employee duties
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given for the work that is demonstrate by the employees
3. Power to do and decide is shared with the employees . Power distribution in working can be good alternate to motivate employees.
4. Goal setting and Goal sharing  can be one more thing that can be tried to motivate employees.  

By manipulating these FOUR things organizations can  better motivate any and every employee in an organization. Organisaitons try All FOUR things are few at a time will

Let there brief outline what each one of them constitutes. 

1. Employees tasks and jobs that they  carry out in the company as part of employee duties
  •  The kind of work / tasks can be made more interesting, lighter, painless
  • Organisaions consistently engaged to see how employees work becomes more and better so that employees will not hate it. but they like it. Job redesign programs are part of this intervention.
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given for the work that is demonstrate by the employees

  • A variety of rewards and punishments are the other mechanism that can be planned . Performance related pay, pay linked bonus, higher rewards for better work are normal things that are being introduced to motivate employees.

3. Power that is shared with the employees 

  • Freedom to decide and take power in to their own hands is one more powerful tool to motivate employees.  Self managed groups. Employee involvement programs are some of the programs are an example of this.
4. Goals that are set for the employees.

Redefining the goals as interesting is one more thing. Organisaions and great managers has the ability to motivate employees through the goals they set. Example related to this is SMART goals. By designing the SMART goals and implementing them through MBO,  managers motivate their employees. 

Maha Mandi and MOTIVATION

Maha Mandi has the above FOUR dimensions involved in motivating its students. 
1. The task of LEARNING is completely REDEFINED where it becomes so interesting that students love to do and carry out. Even though going to Mandi and campaigning the products is relatively painful experience students motivated to do due many reasons. Unique, they like what is so called difficult task too.
  •  The learning is made interesting, lighter, painless, joyful, fun etc.
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given as part of Maha Mandi.
  • Students love the rewards they get due to Maha Mandi. Apart form the learning and EXTRINSIC rewards like teacher rewards ( Grade) , they get many other INTRINSIC rewards. Students they themselves feel, understand evaluate and remunerate themselves what learning they have done. Maha Mandi allows such self appraisal, and self rewarding. Class room learning normally do not allow such INTRINSIC learning.

Working in Maha Mandi is SELF INFLICTED,, Hence called MOTIVATION. 
You volunteer . You feel alienated if you dont participate. 
If you want to you can skip. But you dont feel like keeping off yourself. 
It makes so much a issue for you that I do not want to give a MISS. You feel guilty for not being part of it. That is the magic of Maha Mandi ..

This is the inventories that are sold in Maha Mandi. So much ! Yes.. They feel they can sell more.. 
Selling is no more pain. It is pleasure. It is challenge. No issues. No difficulties you foresee. 

Your out look towards work of selling changes completely .. 


3. Power that is shared with the employees 
  •  Freedom to decide and take power in to their own hands is one more powerful tool to motivate employees.  Self managed groups. Employee involvement programs are some of the programs are an example of this.
  • MIG  - A student group is empowered  to take decisions in Maha Mandi. It is this empowerment work powerfully on the youthful students. When to conduct, how to conduct, where to conduct, where to campaign, and how to campaign is again empowered among the Maha Mandi participants.
4. Goals that are set for the employees.
  • Maha Mandi magic of motivation comes from GOALS.  The learning goals elivated to highest levels. Learning by Earning; Aaj karoti aaj ka padhai sae kamana; I can stand on my own legs and economically support my self are the best goals that any student will get sold to.
  • Learning goals are completely transformed so that the appeal to the students MOST.
  • edefining the goals as interesting is one more thing. Organisaions and great managers has the ability to motivate employees through the goals they set. Example related to this is SMART goals. By designing the SMART goals and implementing them through MBO,  managers motivate their employees.

Students are adivised to think how Motivation is being ingrained in the other two of the Activities that are carried out in the class room. - Three monks and No water.. and also Three people crossing the river. 

You are advised to analyze these TWO stories and write your blogs. 

Job of managers is to motivate. You can motivate by using all these FOUR weapons / nobs in your control. It is simple practice. By using it you can.. Try it . You will. Unless you try you can not. ALL THE BEST.

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