आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 1 : Enterpreneurial Learning method - Mandi and Student Enterprises

Session 1 :

This session is focused on introduction of faculty  and methods of learning used in the course. Special focus was on Entreprneurial Learning method - Learning by Earning.

What is learning by earning method ?

This method demands the learners to convert their  learning in to earning in real time. It is assumed that this transformation needs application which leads  to best learning to any student.

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