आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Please note..  This post is made after the examination !

HR 01: OB & HRM :  PGDIM 21  Sec  B

I Module Ending Examination.    Max. Marks: 70,  Time: 3 Hours


  1. Attempt any  SIX   out of Eight Questions given below. All questions carry equal marks. Try to  attempt questions in the serial order only.
  2. There is NO Provision made to clarify any kind of ‘DOUBTS’ regarding this question paper. In case you have any doubt regarding the Qn. Paper, kindly make necessary assumptions  and proceed.
  3. Relevant and focused answers will score higher marks. Write legibly..                                                   
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

Q. No. 1. Explain any FIVE  the following  ? 

1.1   Social Loafing
1.2   Intrinsic rewards - Extrinsic rewards
1.3   Effectiveness and Efficiency 
1.4   Group Norms
1.5   Job and Role
1.6  Matrix Structure
1.7  Type A and Type B Personality

 Q. No. 2.  Identify  the specific training needs related to participants  in Maha Mandi  for achieving  hi performance ? Discuss  various training methods that are  available to  train the mandi participants ?

Q. No. 3.1 .  Discuss the importance of  S M A R  T goals concept  in achieving  Hi Performance in organizations ?

3.2  Explain how you applied  S M A R T goals  concept  on yourself  in achieving  record performance  in MahaMandi 2014 ? 

Q. No. 4.  Employees try to escape work in company. They dislike work.  Discuss the implications of similar assumptions using the framework of  Theory X and Y motivation. What are specific action points you feel  need to adopt  as a manager to deal such a situations ?

Q. No. 5 .   ( This question is based on the experiential case – Three monks and No water .)

 5.1  A summary of THREE different work methods used in the case are give below table.  You may use the data to answer  the questions 5.1 and 5.2  ..)  Attempt the blanks  -  No.  1 to 11  shown in bold  lettering given in below table. Write  answers in the answer sheet you are given.    ( Avoid  writing  the answers on the Qn. paper.)

Work Method - I

Work Method - II

Work Method – III
One Monk
Two Monks
Three Monks
Work tools and method of getting water
Two baskets
Long stick hanging two buckets  two ends of the long stick.. 
One basket
Long stick hanging  one bucket in the middle
Rope, Kuppe, Three baskets and pulling water on pulli
Input  - Effort by monks  ( Units in Jouls)  ( Esti..)
Ex:.. 100 Jouls ( J )  
 by One person
1. . .  .  .  .
2. . .  .  .  .
Output - Water
2 baskets of water
3. . .  .  .  .
4. . .  .  .  .
Productivity Measure:            ( Input / Output)
100 J / 2 =
50 J per basket of water
5. . .  .  .  .
6. . .  .  .  .
Nature of Member Roles  
7. . .  .  .  .
8. . .  .  .  .
Work  Life
Philosophy in  monastry
9. . .  .  .  .
10. . .  .  . 
11. . .  .  . 

5.2  Discuss  how Job design and redesign has transformed across THRRE methods referred in the  above example.

Q. No. 6.  As a management student, identify the reasons for interpersonal conflict as shown in the Three monks and No water  case .  Explain the method followed to resolve  the interpersonal conflict among the monks?

Q. No. 7 . 1 Discuss the differences   between Motivation Vs. Leadership

7.2  Explain the management principles embedded in  Mynah’s leadership behavior as revealed in the  words ..

1.      Flap your ears as hard as  you can
2.      I just gave you something to believe in.

Q. No. 8   Elephant is said to be demonstrated specific subordinate behaviors in the following responses..

1.      Do you think I can fly
2.      Elephant did as he was told
3.      Mynah, You have changed my whole life
4.      I really canot thank you enough for this feather.

Infer  and  Explain each of the behaviors corroborated with  appropriate industry examples.

-          /   /    -

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