आज का कॉलेज फीस,
आज का पढ़ाई
इस्तेमाल करके, आज ही कमाऊंगा ! !
What is WRONG, if education is designed enabling every graduate student in INDIA
to earn college fee by applying daily learnings..?..

Why not it should be done !

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reforming Education : REVERSING educational system leads to DESIRABLE learning outcomes

 Dr Mandi says.....  

NATION  needs JOB CREATORS not JOB SEEKERS !  Our PM says.. this !
This is TRUTH !  YE SACH  HAI  !  
 We all agree on this  !
But our current education system is producing JOB SEEKERS very well !  Education system  is 100 % efficient ! It is well calibrated for this task !

This is TRUTH / YE SACH  HAI ! We are proud of it ! .. 

PM says, NATION  need JOB CREATORS not JOB SEEKERs !  Our PM says.. this ! 
Issue is, at present educational system is producing things which we dont NEED / we dont WANT ! 

This is also TRUTH / YE BHI  SACH  HAI !..


We are not proud of this ! We are ashamed for it ! 
 Not only we, many others are also ashamed of this.
Can same present educational system which  is producing JOB SEEKERS can also produce JOB CREATORS ? 
Is it ? Is it possible ! Should we create an alternate system ?
Is it possible to produce JOB SEEKERS out of the same educational system ? 
YES >> YES  >>>> MAY BE  >>>>
To produce JOB SEEKERS with the same system,  What needs to be done ?
What needs to be done with this system..   We gave a thought on this question. 

We have done it ! EUREKA !
We just  R E V E R S E D the education process.. 

La Behold ! ..Getting the desired results ! 

Students are studying a particular way.. Students are getting UNDESIRABLE results due to studies.

Students again studying particular way with lots of improvements and more efforts. ALAS.. Students are getting much more UNDESIRABLE results..

This is happening for millions of students, across the India,  for number of years consistently.. Every time academics try to improve the same system of  study  and  are expecting desirable results.  All these times students are loosers and they are getting same UNDESIRABLE results.

What are the UNDESIRABLE results ?

- No self confidence, Unemployable, Not able to  and  willing to start on their own, Abscence of dignity of labour, Incapable of understanding reality around .

What is the system of study ?

- Compete, compete, and compete, Pay fees, Attend classes, Follow  the teachers, and believe  textbooks, libraries,  Take notes, Mug up for exams, write exams, omit what is taught in class, and clear exams , Happy with academic scores..

E U R E K A ! !..    E U R E K A   !  !

so,  undesirable results due to  on going system of education throws out the following things..

1.  If one REVERSE the system of education,  there is high chance of getting  DESIRED results. 

It is logical... It is obvious..... Is it not ! .. Just reverse it.

What matters is 'What you D E S I  R  E.. 

What does not matter is ,,,,,,, whether to stick to the system of education !..

Where is the rule that we should stick to the existing system of education when it is giving consistent undesirable  results ! 

Any body can imagine this.. Simple common sense...


So, in nutshell,, agenda for education is like this..
Mechale said..                                               Dr Mandi says......

- ' Compete with your classmates  ' ..                            -  Collaborate with your classmates
- ' Attend Class regularly  ' ..                                         -  Attend Mandi
- ' Pay Fees for education   ' ..                                      -  Make earning out of education 
-  Follow teacher, text book, and experts..                    -  Follow the Naive people in mandi.. 
                                                                                      - Go by your experience... 
                                                                                      -  See and observe the reality..
- Spend and spend  for studies                                     - Earn that much  you spent for studies
- You will be made a  'SLAVE '..                                    -  You will be made a  MASTER..

- Socho.. and Seekho..                                                 - Socho.. Becho.. Seekho ..

- Think, Think, and Learn ..                                          - Think, Apply, and Learn ..

Maha Mandi is CASE of REVERSED system of present education .. and getting the DESIRED  results .
Jai ho Mandi.. Soacho.. Becho.. Seekho...

Aaj ka college fee, aaj ka padhai isthmal karke, aaj hee kamana !

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maha Mandi @ NITIE : The Concept

Maha Mandi @ NITIE: The Concept 


  • Sar jukahke, Nahi seekanaaa..  ! ... Sar uthake... Seekhna.. !  
  • Aaj ka college fee, aaj ka padhai laghoo karke,aaj he kamana !


  • Prideful learning
  • Self reliant model of learning
  • Enterpreneurial Learning model
  • Gandhian model of learning - Nai Talim based
  • Excellent learning without waste - But value generation

  • Soacho ! Becho ! Seekho !
  • Curricular embedded pedagogy
  • Knowing - Doing - Learning - Earning - Becoming and Being !
  • Innovative in idea and implementation - Not disturbing the existing but at the same time transforming the learning completely ( 200 %  change  ! )

Innovation is.. :

  • Making learning highly purposeful, relevant purpose, challenging purpose, beneficial purpose etc.
  • Selection of intelligent toys 
  • Making it part of regular curriculum
Tactics :

  • Flag off function
  • Logo , Slogan, Song, dance
  • Expanding to cover other subjects,  other colleges, other cities
  • Posters, videos, Blogs
Media - On Line, Print, TV, 

  • Sharing Best Pedagogy to outside world
  • Reaching to many youth across the world 

Social Cause:

  • Helping  NGOs by campaigning the products NGO made
  • Contributing to NGOs financial muscle
  • Helping NGOs to establish their work and brand 

Industry Involvement  :

  • Industry captains presence works as concept validation
  • Sets NEW DIRECTIONS for learning 

Glamour :

  • Celebrities give needed thrust, colour, charm

Pedagogy :

  • Fun filled learning
  • Personalised learning
  • Real world learning
  • Student Centric Learning
  • Value Focused Learning 

Event Sponsorships :

  • Validation of the work
  • Self generated value based New learning model 
  • Work as Push factor
  • Help in expanding and scale up
  • Works as greater motivator
Impact :
  • Participation of students in Mandi is ' By choice ' 
  • Win - Win to  everybody :  Students - Industry - Academia - NGOs - Media - Govt. - Society at large including outsiders !.
Future course of action  :

  • How to scale it up .. to many colleges, to corores of students !
  • How to make Mandi part of Indian learning processes ! 
Jai Ho Mandi ..

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Leadership and Maha Mandi @ NITIE

Leadership ( LP) and Maha Mandi @ NITIE

If there is loads and loads of  Motivation in Maha Mandi.. then there should be and must be LEADERSHIP also in Maha Mandi. Is it not ! 

1. Where there is motivation, there is leadership too. They both go together.. Once presence signals the others existence..  

2. Motivation and Leadership  concepts of OB and HRM  - Both are closely connected.. One is the REASON and the other is RESULT .. 

How do you see what is the leadership in Maha Mandi event ? 

The scope and coverage of the topic - Leadership usually talks about following topics, and concepts. 

- What is LP ?.. 
- Whether LP can be taught and learned ? Whether the leaders are made or born ?
- LP Theories: Trait theory , Leaders are born to some people..
- Behaviorual theories of LP
- Contingency theories of LP
- Recent approaches to leadership - Charismatic LP, Tranformational LP, Visionary LP, Attribution Theory of LP, 

Contemporary issues in LP.. 

Implications for Managers !

Is managers are leaders ! 

Can the managers / leaders make REAL difference ! 

Am I leader ? and What is my leadership ?

Can  the followers also be leaders ?

Assignment for you: 

- Read the topic of leadership 
- Understand it 
- Get ready to apply it to the Maha Mandi program - Explain the leadership through the case of Maha Mandi.. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

S. M. A. R. T. Education @ NITIE Mumbai

S. M. A. R. T. Education @ NITIE Mumbai 

S M A R T goals for education can be planned and must be planned. It is the need of hour. NITIE does this through various programs .. Maha Mandi, Student Enterprises, Shanti Eva Jayate etc. 

2. Education and learning goals that we @ NITIE set are:

A graduate student must be economically self supportive and self reliant due to education and as part of curricular learning.  Such learning enhances and supports effective learning. On the contrary, education which does not make a student self reliant and makes him / her economically dependent on others for education surely RUINS the student. Such education turns the youth to be NAUKARS, GULAMEES.. Job Seekers, Dependents.  Such education cannot turn out MASTERS, and EMPLOYERS and JOB GIVERS, WEALTH CREATORS. 

3. Towards this, we set our S M A R T goals of MBA education at NITIE are: 

" MBA student will EARN ones daily expenses 
by applying ones daily business learning ".

4. SMART Goal of education -  on daily basis every student earning ones own daily expenses - is Attainable, Possible, Achievable, Relevant, Useful, Inspiring, Progressive, Challenging, Measurable, Specific, Time bound, Futuristic, Humane, Superlative, etc. etc. 

Is it NOT a student earning ones own expenses every day .. 

- help him to study better ! 
- think better ! 
- Useful to a student and his family !
- Do you think he / she will get spoiled just because he / she is earning daily expenses by applying ones education ! 

Please note that conventional education goals of HIGH GRADES  / MARKS are NOT Useful, inspiring, and Challenging. They are ruining the students. Students loose despite achieving the GOALS in the conventional education.

5. Our vision @ NITIE is that 3 crore graduate students in India will earn their daily expenses out of their education. It simply means that everyday hundreds of crores of VALUE is added to our economy due to the academic studies. 

Aaj ka karcha, Aaj ka padhai sae, Aaj hee kamana ! 

Socho ! , Becho ! ! , Seekho ! ! !

Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivation and Maha Mandi @ NITIE

Motivation and Maha Mandi

It is surprising to see how come Maha Mandi prog. motivates so many students so much ? Why they put in so much effort ? Why students enjoy when they participate in Mandi ? There are reasons for this The story behind students getting so much motivated is a relevant topic of  learning in OB.. called  MOTIVATION. Students can understand the concept of motivation through analysing the Maha Mandi program on  Motivation lines...

MOTIVATION is to make employees to MOVED  for their organization work, organizational goals, and become ideal employees with better performance. It is to work better and more . 

Organisations try to achieve this motivation by MARSHALLING FOUR things. They are

1. Employees tasks and jobs that they  carry out in the company as part of employee duties
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given for the work that is demonstrate by the employees
3. Power to do and decide is shared with the employees . Power distribution in working can be good alternate to motivate employees.
4. Goal setting and Goal sharing  can be one more thing that can be tried to motivate employees.  

By manipulating these FOUR things organizations can  better motivate any and every employee in an organization. Organisaitons try All FOUR things are few at a time will

Let there brief outline what each one of them constitutes. 

1. Employees tasks and jobs that they  carry out in the company as part of employee duties
  •  The kind of work / tasks can be made more interesting, lighter, painless
  • Organisaions consistently engaged to see how employees work becomes more and better so that employees will not hate it. but they like it. Job redesign programs are part of this intervention.
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given for the work that is demonstrate by the employees

  • A variety of rewards and punishments are the other mechanism that can be planned . Performance related pay, pay linked bonus, higher rewards for better work are normal things that are being introduced to motivate employees.

3. Power that is shared with the employees 

  • Freedom to decide and take power in to their own hands is one more powerful tool to motivate employees.  Self managed groups. Employee involvement programs are some of the programs are an example of this.
4. Goals that are set for the employees.

Redefining the goals as interesting is one more thing. Organisaions and great managers has the ability to motivate employees through the goals they set. Example related to this is SMART goals. By designing the SMART goals and implementing them through MBO,  managers motivate their employees. 

Maha Mandi and MOTIVATION

Maha Mandi has the above FOUR dimensions involved in motivating its students. 
1. The task of LEARNING is completely REDEFINED where it becomes so interesting that students love to do and carry out. Even though going to Mandi and campaigning the products is relatively painful experience students motivated to do due many reasons. Unique, they like what is so called difficult task too.
  •  The learning is made interesting, lighter, painless, joyful, fun etc.
2. Rewards / Recognition / Punishments  that are given as part of Maha Mandi.
  • Students love the rewards they get due to Maha Mandi. Apart form the learning and EXTRINSIC rewards like teacher rewards ( Grade) , they get many other INTRINSIC rewards. Students they themselves feel, understand evaluate and remunerate themselves what learning they have done. Maha Mandi allows such self appraisal, and self rewarding. Class room learning normally do not allow such INTRINSIC learning.

Working in Maha Mandi is SELF INFLICTED,, Hence called MOTIVATION. 
You volunteer . You feel alienated if you dont participate. 
If you want to you can skip. But you dont feel like keeping off yourself. 
It makes so much a issue for you that I do not want to give a MISS. You feel guilty for not being part of it. That is the magic of Maha Mandi ..

This is the inventories that are sold in Maha Mandi. So much ! Yes.. They feel they can sell more.. 
Selling is no more pain. It is pleasure. It is challenge. No issues. No difficulties you foresee. 

Your out look towards work of selling changes completely .. 


3. Power that is shared with the employees 
  •  Freedom to decide and take power in to their own hands is one more powerful tool to motivate employees.  Self managed groups. Employee involvement programs are some of the programs are an example of this.
  • MIG  - A student group is empowered  to take decisions in Maha Mandi. It is this empowerment work powerfully on the youthful students. When to conduct, how to conduct, where to conduct, where to campaign, and how to campaign is again empowered among the Maha Mandi participants.
4. Goals that are set for the employees.
  • Maha Mandi magic of motivation comes from GOALS.  The learning goals elivated to highest levels. Learning by Earning; Aaj karoti aaj ka padhai sae kamana; I can stand on my own legs and economically support my self are the best goals that any student will get sold to.
  • Learning goals are completely transformed so that the appeal to the students MOST.
  • edefining the goals as interesting is one more thing. Organisaions and great managers has the ability to motivate employees through the goals they set. Example related to this is SMART goals. By designing the SMART goals and implementing them through MBO,  managers motivate their employees.

Students are adivised to think how Motivation is being ingrained in the other two of the Activities that are carried out in the class room. - Three monks and No water.. and also Three people crossing the river. 

You are advised to analyze these TWO stories and write your blogs. 

Job of managers is to motivate. You can motivate by using all these FOUR weapons / nobs in your control. It is simple practice. By using it you can.. Try it . You will. Unless you try you can not. ALL THE BEST.

Monday, July 14, 2014

OB HR Blog for IM 21 Sec B students ..

 Dear IM 21 Sec B studetns..

Please the blog.. and give your comments and contributions for improvement of this blog..

Some suggestions on the blog..

1. I just saw OB and  HR blog made by Praful.. It is good.

Few suggestions from my side are..

1.1 Blog column is NARROW.. It can be widened.. so that more matter will appear in each of the blog fame..

1.2.. Colour of the blog is NOT appealing much for me. Readability is the most important thing I look for when i see a blog. If the colours help the reader is the issue.. I wish to have some other colour combinations. It is my personal opinion.

1.3. How to write blogs.. can you post a blog.. !

1.4  .. Can we give some of the links like -  Mandi website.. Face book page of OB $ HR group. , Picase web albums for Mandi.. Earlier blogs lists..

1.5 .. Add the student companies like.. Add the logos picked up from NET..

1. Rohit Tripathy.. Intricap.. http://www.intricap.com/

1. Free ka mall. com.. Ravi kumar.. http://freekaamaal.com/

2. Paresh Masade.. Coherendtz.. http://www.coherendz.com/

3. Level 10 Entertainment PVT Limited.. Shreyas Sriniivas. .. http://www.level10comics.com/

4 Aarti Gupta Aggarwal.. http://www.anaxee.com/

5 Prasad .. Clean Fanatic.. http://www.cleanfanatic.co.in/

6 Anish Pakash .. Focaloid ..http://www.focaloid.com/team.php

4.   Ruchika Sarma..http://www.cosmicbites.com/

5. Ravi Jalan..https://www.facebook.com/Imagimake

6.  Mandeep Manocha....http://www.reglobe.in/

7. Maneet .. http://lal10.com/

8. Sherfur Rahman... Shop @ Places.. com

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Language wise list of Students

Sr. No. Name Roll No Language of your poster
1 Rupam Das 1402133 Assamese
2 Saurabh Pandey 1402152 Awadhi
3 Prosenjit Biswas 1402120 Bengali
4 Saikat Halder 1402141 Bengali
5 Sabyasachi Sur 1402135 Bengali
6 Priyanka Raj 1402118 Bhojpuri
7 Shambhavi narvekar 1402156 Goan / Kokani
8 shambhavi 1402156 Goan / Kokani
9 Pratik Singh 1402117 Haryanvi
10 mritunjay singh 1402097 Hindi
11 Rahul Singh 1402123 Hindi
12 Shivam Gupta 1402160 Hindi
13 Saurav Chaturvedi 1402153 Hindi
14 Rachna Anand 1402121 Hindi
15 Rana Surjeet 1402127 Hindi
16 Sandesh G 1402147 Hindi
17 Mudit Kshatriya 1402099 Hindi
18 Sanjog Dwarkadas Toshniwal 1402148 Hindi
19 mili Khurana 1402092 Hindi
20 neha Gupta 1402102 Hindi
21 Navamita Auddy 1402101 Hindi
22 Rohit Saxena 130 Hindi
23 Sandeep Shankar 1402145 Hindi
24 Shashank Dwivedi 1402157 Hindi
25 Rajesh Mutreja 1402126 Hindi
27 Nishant sachdeva 1402106 Hindi
28 rajat srivastava 1402125 Hindi
29 Manisha Nair 1402090 Hindi
30 Meenakshi Rawat 1402091 Hindi
31 Nishi Kant Bhardwaj 1402107 Hindi
32 saurav jha 1402154 Hindi
33 Sagar Kapoor 1402138 Hindi
34 Shavez Asif Khan 1402158 Hindi
35 priyasha kumar 1402119 Hindi
36 shikhar mishra 1402159 Hindi
37 sabari harsh 1402134 Hindi
38 Mitav Kulshrestha 1402094 Hindi
39 Mrinal Khilar 1402096 Hindi
40 Kshitiz Nandwana 1402083 Hindi
41 Saunhita 1402151 Kannada
42 Mitalee Joshi 1402093 Kumaoni
43 Mahesh J 1402087 Malayalam
44 Krishna R Nair 1402081 Malayalam
45 Manisha Nair 1402090 Malayalam & Hindi
46 Praful Lakhe 1402114 Marathi
47 Prathamesh V Avale 1402116 Marathi
48 prafulla salunkhe 1402115 Marathi
49 Kshipra Chowdhary 1402082 Marathi
50 Mangesh Dongare 1402089 Marathi
51 Ninad Tambe 1402104 Marathi
52 rasika makdey 1402128 Marathi
53 PARAG B SAWAITUL 1402110 Marathi
54 Sarthak Shirsat 1402150 Marathi
55 Madhur Bihani 1402085 Mewari / Marwari
56 Manasvi Pandya 1402088 Mewari / Marwari
57 Mudit Gupta 1402098 Multiple languages
58 Paras Goel 1402111 Punjabi
59 Sandeep Singh 1402146 Punjabi
60 sachithananthan 1402136 Tamil
61 Sakthi Mahendra P M 1402143 Tamil
62 Muhamed Bilal M M 1402100 Tamil
63 Sailesh Babu 1402142 Tamil
64 Sahithi Avirneni 1402140 Telugu
65 Nuka Avinash 1402108 Telugu
66 Santosh 1402149 Telugu
67 sadineni naga varun 1402137 Telugu
68 Mounika Gondhi 1402095 Telugu

Monday, July 7, 2014

Maha Mandi 2014 Multi Language Video making..

Maha Mandi 2014.. Video making 

Dear IN 21 Sec B students,

You will be making Mandi 2014 video .. in a group ( Max. 5 Members ).. In your own mother tongue. You have already seen the older version of Mandi video. I m expecting that you will add few more things to this video and RECREATE similar / better video in your own mother tongue.

Date for Video submission : 31  July  2014.. 

Few suggestions from my side on this assignment.

1. Your form language wise groups.. Dt..

2. Let there OVERALL script for the  video..  and share it with the groups.. So that all the other groups can take the help of overall  script  and make their own videos.  Dt..

3. Use the Mandi  poster you made ..

4. Avoid shooting new videos for Mandi 2014.. .. Unless you badly need them.  My feeling is that it takes time to shoot new videos. Try to make use of ALL the videos already that are existing.

5. I wish your group appear in the video without fail. Your group must speak the language in local language.. Script for the video must be in local language ( your mother tongue.)..

6. Use NITIE logo , NITIE pics, NITIE Mandi pics and many other resources.

7. I suggested what possible additions you can make to the existing video. Final call is yours.

8. You will be uploading your video on You Tube channel created for this.. Pass word will be share for uploading your language video..

Earlier Maha Mandi Videos:

What are the resources that are there to make Mandi video ?

1. You Tube resources:

2.  Maha Mandi Pics: Picasa Albums

3. Maha Mandi Posters - In multiple languages

4. Maha Mandi website..

New additions that can be made to Mandi Flash video...:

1. Year wise Pics  2004 onwards.. 2013..

2. Mandi Poster in multiple languages ..

3 Mandi -  Sales volumes that were sold.. Inventory distribution pics..

4 Mandi  - Number of students benefitted .. Some calculations...Last 10 Yrs. 30 Mandis are conducted.. @ 300 students participation in each of the mandi..  Total number of students participated are .. 9,000 students

5 Mandi - NITIE and  NGOs  work together to help the students learning .. Many NGOs..

6 Students speak on Maha Mandi experience.. Interviews...

7 Mandi - Corporate CEOs speak .. Video clips ..

8 Celebrities Speak.. Video clips ..

9 NITIE Allumni speak on Mandi experience..Video clips ..

10 Professors speak on Maha Mandi learning .. Already there on You tube video clips ..

11 Mandi Training videos ..How students are trained for various subjects .. Make them..

Mandi  Pledge - How students are imparted values and morals before getting in to Mandi.. Pics/ Video clips .

12 Mandi Process: Preparation - Launching - After Mandi Learing  Review

13 Mandi - Wheel of Learning .. Picture..

14 Salient features : It is not Selling .... It is learning by Earning

15  Mandi in other formats.. Shanti Mandi, Engineers Mandi,

 16 Mandi - Gandhian way of learning

17 Mandi and Entrepreneurship

18 Mandi - Media .. Print / On Line / Audio /

19 Mandi sponsors

20 Mandi Relevance to other Colleges

21 Is your college interested to have Mandi.. Contact::  Write to..

22 Mandi web resources = Mandi website ..

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tower Building and OB HR related Learning

 OB & HR learning -  TOWER BUILDING

Some of the questions you need to think keeping the TB experience in the background

I. Understanding of OB and HR Subjects

OB1  - Whether  employee and manager's performance  is of desired level ?

OB2  - Why it was so ? 

HRM - Is there anything needed to improve the work behaviour of these employees ?

Organizational Performance is being analyzed keeping  in view FOUR business situations as given below.  Students need to understand that in all these FOUR situations OB and HR will be quite different .

Situation I: In the beginning of the tower making

Situation II: Making of the tower as it reaches the mid height

Situation III: As the tower reaches much height and reaches towards best height

Situation IV : Achieving  the world class tower building

II.  INITIAL TOWER ( 0 - 15  cubes ) :

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
II.  MID HEIGHT TOWER  :  (.. 15 to 25cubes ) :

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
III.  HIGH  TOWER: (.. 25 cubes beyond  :   

OB 1   Facts about WORKER's work behaviour

- Whether  the workers  work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the worker was communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Whether  the worker was motivated to work ?
 - Whether  the worker was cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Whether  the manager's   work behavior is of desired level ?
 - Whether  the manager's communication with the worker was in right way ?
 - Whether  the manager is  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Whether  the manager  was cooperating with the worker ?
- Whether  the manager was enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the manager  was innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why  the workers  work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT communicating to the manager the right way ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT motivated to work ?
 - Why  the worker was NOT cooperating with the manager ?
- Whether  the worker was NOT maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Whether  the worker was NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- Why  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - Why the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - Why  the manager is  NOT motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - Why  the manager  was NOT able to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- Why   the manager was NOT enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - Why   the manager  was NOT  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavior with the help of various personality theories )

HRM  -  What to do ..? 

- What and how to make the  worker to  work of desired level ?
 - What and how to make the manager to communicating to the worker the right way ?
 - What and how to  make the worker to get  motivated to work ?
 - What and how to make the worker to cooperating with the manager ?
- What and how to make the worker to  maintaining the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - What and how to make  the worker to innovative and creative to solve their problems ?
- What and how to make  the manager's   work behavior is NOT of desired level ?
 - What and how to make  the manager's communication with the worker was NOT  in right way ?
 - What and how to make   the manager to get  motivated to work ? and motivating the worker enough ?
 - What and how to make   the manager  to elicit cooperation from the  worker ?
- What and how to make   the manager to enforcing / implementing the organizational culture of TB  ?
 - What and how to make   the manager  to  innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to arrive at what kind of policies and practices need to be put in place ! )

  Beyond 30 cubes tower...

3 Monks film for OB & HR learning

 OB & HR learning -  3 Monks film 

Some of the questions you need to think keeping the the film in the background . 


OB1  - Whether  First monks commitment to monastry is of desired level ?

OB2  - Why it was so ? 

HRM - Is there anything needed to improve the work behaviour of the first monk


OB 1   Facts about employees work behaviour

- Whether  the monks work behavior in monastery was  of desired level ?
 - Whether  the monks communicating each other in right way ?
 - Whether  the monks were motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were working together ?
- Whether  the monks were maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour of employees 

- Why the monks work behavior in monastery was  NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the monks are NOT communicating each other in right way ?
 - Why  the monks were NOT  motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT working together ?
- Whether  the monks were NOT maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
HRM  - Set of Policy and Practice related interventions to improve the situation

- How to make the monks work in a  desired way ?
 - How to make  the monks to communicate each other in right way ?
 - How to make  the monks to motivate to work ?
 - How to make the monks to work together ?
- How to make the monks to follows the  monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - How to make  the monks to be innovative and creative to solve their  work related problems ?


OB 1  Facts about work behaviour

- Whether  the monks work behavior in monastery was  of desired level ?
 - Whether  the monks communicating each other in right way ?
 - Whether  the monks were motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were working together ?
- Whether  the monks were maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

OB 2 -  Understanding & reasons for the existing work behaviour

- Why the monks work behavior in monastery was  NOT of desired level ?
 - Why  the monks are NOT communicating each other in right way ?
 - Why  the monks were NOT  motivated to work in monastery ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT working together ?
- Whether  the monks were NOT maintaining the monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - Whether  the monks were NOT innovative and creative to solve their problems ?

( Try to explain these behavioiur with the help of various personality theories )
HRM  - Set of Policy and Practice related interventions to improve the situation

- How to make the monks work in a  desired way ?
 - How to make  the monks to communicate each other in right way ?
 - How to make  the monks to motivate to work ?
 - How to make the monks to work together ?
- How to make the monks to follows the  monastry culture of helping and respecting others ?
 - How to make  the monks to be innovative and creative to solve their  work related problems ?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

OB & HR BLOG LIST for IM 21 Sec B

Blog list for IM 21 Sec B OB & HR course

1. Create and post a table having the following.

Roll no. Name of the student -  Each student Blog thread   - 5 Colums for adding in future.

2. Post Dos and Donts of posting student blogs.

3. Post one file .. How to post Mandi posters on a Open platform..

OB HR Course Outline IM 21 Sec B

NITIE Mumbai
Hr 01: OB HRM Session plan  IM 21 Sec B .. 17.6.14 to 16.03.14
Dr Mandi, nitieprasad@gmail.com, 09869464525

No. of Sessions.
Topics of Organisation Behaviour
Experiential Activities
Employee Personality and types  and Work behavior  – Work values, Work Attitudes, Locus of control, Work Ethic, Job Performance, Job satisfaction, Org. Commitment

Type A & B, MBTI, TAT
Tower Building Exercise
Perception- Perceptual Process, Stereotyping

Motivation- theories, its relevance for  organization behavior:
Article- Employee motivation a powerful new model
Three Monks Film
Interpersonal behavior and effectiveness,  FIRO- B, Team and Group dynamics, Types and group processes,  Team work and Team roles, Team working, Group decision- making, Cohesiveness
Case discussion on Group dynamics- Erik Peterson
Leadership theories, styles
Myna and Elephant story
Organisational Power and Authority, politics,
Conflict Handling Styles

Org. Culture- Hofstede Cultural dimensions

Organisational Change, Lewin’s Force-field analysis Role play- The Iceberg is melting

Topics of Human Resource Management

Introduction, Job description, HRP

Recruitment Selection

Maha Mandi
Performance Management System


Midterm exam

Final Project

Recommended Blog to refer : http://pomcourse2012.blogspot.in/p/blog-page.html

Recommended Reading for OB:
·         Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, Organisation Behaviour, 13th edition, PHI, 2009
·         S. L. McShane, M. A. Glinow and R. Sharma, Organization Behaviour, 3rd /4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
·         Udai Pareek, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press, 2003
·         Robin Fincham, Peter Rhodes, Principles of Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press New Delhi, 2006
·         John W. Newstorm, Keith Davis, Organizational Behavior – Human Behavior at Work, Tata McGraw – Hill, 2002

Recommended Reading for HR:
1.      Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
2.      Bohlander, Snell & Vohra, Managing Human Resources, 11th edition,South Western College Publishing.
3.      P. Jyothi, D. N. Venkatesh, Human Resource Management, Oxford University   Press
4.      Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balki, Robert L. Cardy, Managing Human     
5.      Decenzo & Robbins, Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
6.      Aswathappa K, Human Resource Management- text and cases, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Evaluation:


Final exam

Mid Term

Course Assignments


Quiz test

You tube videos